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Writer: Drakeunleashed Drakeunleashed

Baby look,

I remember when I went thru my heartbreak phase. That was the most "whoa is me, I'm never gonna get over this" era of my life! (HATED IT!) BUT, In that era one thing that was essential to my healing and, I think, my survival was having that positive person. Whenever I had those "whoa is me" moments, I needed that strong positivity (or so I thought, but we'll get to that) to compensate for the mind frame that I was in.

BUT BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITCH!!!! I ain't that broken ass nigga no moe! #period

It's crazy that something that once comforted me in one era of my life, in this era of my life THAT SHIT BE PISSIN ME OFF!!! UGGGGHHHHHH!

Like bro! Come on na. Get mad with meeeeeeeee!!! I need me an, "OH HELL NAWL" sometimes.

Sidenote: I know it seems as if i'm talking about a romantic partner, but I assure you i'm not. This is family, friends, coworkers, or whoever in your close circle. I've had this experience with them all.


  1. Sometimes being overly positive is a hinderance/crutch. Make sure you have some "OH HELL NAWL" friends. Both are necessary.

  2. It's so important to communicate with the people in your life, what you need from one era of life to the next. As you evolve, so will your needs. I had to let my mama know plenty times, "I'm not that fragile broken man anymore. Stop that!"

  3. I think as we transition through each era of life we become a slightly different person than we were in the previous era. So this notion of once you know someone you'll basically always know them or you'll always be compatible is deceiving.

I think it places people in these cookie cutter ideas of who they are, how they are suppose to conduct themselves, who they are suppose to love, how they are suppose to identify, how they are suppose to live, what labels they need to have, what salary they need to have, what car they need to have, where do you live, where do you eat, where do you shop, where do you vacation, when did you buy that house, when did ya'll start talking,

when did you start that business.................

And to all that shit I say "OH HELL NAWL"!!!



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